Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014 Bicycle Sport Shop Club Members!

To my Friends and Family of the Bicycle Sport Shop clubs,

I wanted to simply take the time to introduce myself as a sponsor of the clubs and give some background of who I am, what my business does, and why you’re seeing an automotive transmission shop sponsoring a bicycle club alongside all these fitness, nutrition, running and yoga businesses.  Talk about being the ugly duckling of the group!  I know that as a member of the club I look to see what benefits I can personally gain from the sponsors of the club and I’ll be the first to admit, along with many of you, that a transmission shop is one that I’d normally just overlook for a number of reasons; my car works just fine, I have no need for transmission work, I hate mechanics in general, yadda yadda.  Hopefully I can offer a benefit to everyone either directly or indirectly as best I can and I encourage everyone to use me as a knowledge contact whenever necessary.

Many of you may already know me.  I’ve volunteered at a number of BSS sponsored events and rides during 2013 and was even convinced by Carla Jennings to try my hand at cyclocross with the BSS CX club.  I ride bikes.  I love bikes.  The past year and a half of riding bikes has literally changed much of my life allowing me to take a closer look at my health, my hobbies and how I spend time with my friends and wife.  I was in dire need of change after spending numerous years racing cars and feeling tired and stressed.  I’ve always looked for avenues to give back to a community that has taken me in as well as Bicycle Sport Shop has done for me.  

I’ve worked in the automotive industry since 1997 in some form of fashion working at dealerships, independent auto repair facilities and finally my own transmission shop.  I know cars.   More importantly, I was a customer first before I ever learned how to even do a simple oil change on a vehicle.  As a customer I’m fully aware of the negative stigma attached to the auto repair industry and that has been my sole reason for me creating a career in the auto repair industry.  I’m well aware of that cringing feeling everyone has whenever they have to take their car in for work or even for a simple oil change.  You always feel like you’re going to get screwed somehow.   We’ve all been there.  Even establishing a comfortable level of trust is never fully realized because of the lack of knowledge that a customer has about vehicles.  We simply trust that they’re doing the right thing and charging a fair amount for the service.  Talk about a leap of faith.   How many times have you gone in for a simple oil change and wait in deep anticipation for that service advisor to come into the waiting room holding someone’s air filter, presumably yours but not always, ready to tell you that it’s time to replace your filter, or what’s worse, found more problems wrong with your vehicle.  This is how automotive nightmares start.   My goal is to change that.

When I first sat down with Sarah McCarty to discuss sponsorship of the clubs, I had no idea what I could offer.  The transmission industry is so specialized and varying that the best I could come up with was a flat 15% off of any work performed at my shop (20% for Legacy members).  I don’t have a single individual product that I can discount for members.  And, again, as a customer/club member my first reaction to seeing 15% off of transmission repair is a sarcastic,  
“Hooray, 15% off of a repair bill that I really don’t want in the first place.” 
 Hopefully I can offer more than just a percentage off of a repair bill.  I want to help you make proper decisions.  I want to help educate you about your car or truck.  I want to be your automotive advisor.  This is what I propose in addition to a 15% off a repair order:

  1. If you own a car, use me as a resource.  My email address is or even find me on Facebook.  (Eagle Transmission – Pflugerville)   It’s that simple.  I want to make sure that you are treated fairly wherever you go, even if it’s not my shop.  If you feel like you don’t understand something that a mechanic is telling you or trying to sell you, call or text me.  I’ll be happy to call them directly to ask questions on your behalf.  I’ve made phone calls posing as a customer’s brother or father asking for more information and even calling out some service advisors who really don’t know what they’re talking about.  I’m also happy to explain things in a way that you can understand in order to make a proper decision.  I want to put the trust back into the family mechanic, but that starts with knowledge.   Knowledge is power.
  2. If you are looking for a second opinion, come see me or contact me via email or text.  I will walk you through whatever you need to know in order to make a good repair decision.  Oftentimes it may be work that we can do ourselves at my shop, or if we can’t do it I’ll refer you to a reputable shop in town.   I do wholesale transmission work with many independent shops in town and would be happy to refer them to you for general repair work.
  3. Looking to buy a used car?  I can give you tips on how to take thousands of dollars of the price of a used car or truck.  I can also inspect the potential used car for you for absolutely nothing.  Zero.  Zilch.  Plus, after inspecting the used car I will send you back to the seller with a list of potential issues on the horizon that will guarantee dropping the price of the car anywhere from $500 to $2000.

Unfortunately there are some minor terms to my offer.  First, I am the owner/operator at just the Pflugerville location.  You may be aware of other Eagle Transmission locations throughout Austin (3 others), but we are all each individually owned and operated and those other shops have no idea what I’m doing.  So don’t go to the S. Austin location asking for Dan or requesting a BSS discount.  They’ll look at you funny.  I know that Pflugerville isn’t the most convenient location, but on average we’re just a 20-minute drive away.  Second, text me before you call.   I rarely have my phone on me when I’m in the shop and it’s safer to just send me a note first so I’ll reply quickly.   Email is pretty darn quick, too.  Thirdly, don’t be afraid to use me as often as you want.  This is what I do for a living, simply helping people make their lives more convenient.  After all, that’s all a car is, right?  Convenience?  

I am looking forward to 2014 as a club member and a sponsor.  I hope to see everyone on the road or on the trails!

Dan Pedroza
Owner, Eagle Transmission - Pflugerville

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